In The News Five Effective SEO Strategies to Optimize Your Business Blog

So you've started a business blog, providing authoritative insights about the latest news and most pressing issues in your industry. With such great content, your blog should be raising your company's profile and generating more customers. That is, of course, if anyone is actually reading it.
The trouble with blogging is that having great content isn't always enough. You also have to keep search engine optimization in mind, and make your blog attractive to the biggest search engines to drive real traffic. Read full article... Social Media Optimization, A Basic Marketing Strategy Guide
In the not so distant past search engine optimization was one of the best things you could do to ensure a nice steady stream of traffic.

It's not to say that getting on the first page of Google results isn't a good idea but with the absolute explosion in recent years of social media sites you would be shooting yourself in the foot if you don't get involved in things like Twitter and Facebook. Read full article... 10 Biggest Social Media Myths
#9 Social Media Isn't Right for Your Type of Business

Well, let's examine that statement shall we? Does your business need to generate new leads? Traffic? Build your brand? Strengthen your SEO efforts? Offer customer support? Give your customers a platform to offer feedback and suggestions in real-time?

If you answered yes to one or more of those questions, social media is right for your business.  Read full article... Patients Pick Hospitals for their Social Media Presence
As hospitals continue to test the social media waters, results from a new survey might prompt care facilities to jump right in. That's because 57 percent of consumers said that a hospital's social media connections would strongly affect their decision to receive treatment at that facility, according YouGov Healthcare, a hospital market research firm.
Perhaps the positive correlation between social networking and hospital selection stems from the fact that 81 percent of healthcare consumers consider a hospital with an active online presence to be more "cutting edge," according to the survey.  Read full article... Are Content Curators the power behind social media influence?
“Megaphones want to connect, educate, and share resources and information online with others. These consumers clearly fall into the ‘influencer’ category—meaning they can impact a brand’s bottom line—but Megaphones represent an especially elite group that takes their online interactions very seriously.“  read full article...
The "Social Media Revolution" is ON!

Facebook Ad Sales Chief: There Are 50 Million Likes Per Day For Brands 
Everson, who joined Facebook from Microsoft in February, says that advertising can be brought to life digitally through peer to peer recommendations and friend to friend experiences on Facebook. The social network is trying to work with top brands to help capitalize on this experiences. As she tells the audience, the “holy grail for branding are recommendations.”
Likes of course are a huge opportunity for Facebook when it comes to advertising. Everson says that there are currently 50 million likes per day for brands on Facebook, which is out of a billion or more likes per day across the full article. 23 Social Media Facts to Share with Executives
Social media is a place to share, so here is a breakdown of 23 high-level numbers and statistics that can make jaws drop, and get the hamsters in their heads turning the full article.
USA Today: Seniors Surge on Social Networks
The older set has been slow to embrace the technology, but that is changing. Now the fastest-growing group of people using social networking is adults ages 65 and older, followed by those ages 50 to 64, according to a Pew Research Center full article.
New York Times: Internet Users Turned to Social Networks in Elections, Survey Finds
The study also found that 53 percent of Internet users went online to engage in a campaign-related activity like watching a political video; fact check a political claim; or share and discuss information. Viewing online political videos in the months leading up to the 2010 elections rose to 31 percent among adult Internet users from 19 percent in full article.
NPR: So Much for Bowling Alone, Research Says Internet Users Are Socially Engaged 
"The virtual world is no longer a separate world from our daily life and lots of Americans are involved in more kinds of groups," said Rainie. Interacting on social networking sites is part of staying informed; the survey found that 65 percent of social network users read group updates and messages on these full article.